A stroller is one of the most important purchases that a parent makes for her child. The mobility and convenience that it allows both the parents and the kid is just invaluable. Sometimes though kids complain about riding in a stroller in a very humid day; they would constantly ask their parents to fan them because they're uncomfortable or if they can't talk yet, all they do is cry. It's a good thing that you can buy one of these stroller fans that you can surely use with your kid's stroller.
Kids and parents alike are happy with a personal fan that parents can clip on their kids' stroller. You can experience the same delight as well. If your kid's stroller doesn't come with this accessory then buy it separately. Choose the color that matches your kid's stroller; buy two double A batteries; clip the fan on your kid's stroller and you're ready to go.
Graco Baby Play Yard
You'll be delighted to see that the fan doesn't only keep your kid cool and comfy it also keeps him entertained with its bright color and cool design. He will surely try to reach for it but you need not to worry because the fan is finger-safe as it doesn't only come with soft foam pins that can't really cut your kid's fingers but it also comes with a cover that would prevent your kid's fingers from going through the fan.
And if your kid can't get enough of the fan's cool and comfortable feature, you can always un-clip it from his stroller and clip it on his play yard, his high chair or even set it down on a table near him. The fan comes with a flexible neck so you can easily angle the breeze on your kid's direction.
If you are planning to get a cheap stroller for your kid, look for a matching fan as well. But even if the price tag for the stroller is low, you should not sacrifice its quality and durability. You should not compromise your kid's safety and comfort.